Current work today

I am a postbac at NIH/NINDS who is currently working on a variety of projects.


I currently work on using fMRI data to run a network analysis and use dynamic connectivity to see state transitions for chronic fatigues patients.

Parkinson’s Disease biomarker and classifier work

I use structural MRI (sMRI) and AFNI and FreeSurfer to quantify structural areas of the brain and run multiple classification algorithms. I used both deformation based morphometry and tensor based morphometry to measure relative increase and decrease of various brain parameters.

Parkinson’s Disease Olfactory Network Analysis

I used resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) to measure activity of an olfaction network in the brains of subjects to compare various graph theory metrics and correlate to a clinical olfaction score, the UPSIT test.

Co-Chair of the NIH Friends&Fellows Committee

I am a co-chair of the LGBTQIA affinity group at NIH for fellows and early-stage researchers. I coordinate various events, including networking events for well-established and highly respected queer scientists to informally talk over lunch to others.

Previous awards

Completion of the NIH Academy for Health Disparities

I completed a program for an intensive overview of historical and ongoing health disparities in medicine. We had opportunities to communicate and talk with other leaders in the field and worked alongside other postbac fellows to create a proposal to increase sexual and gender minoritized groups to increase representation in clinical trials.

Semifinalist for the 3 Minute Talk Competition in NINDS

NINDS at NIH offered an internal 3 minute talk competition to explain science and to compete for a spot at the full NIH institute wide competition. I competed with permission from my staff scientist and presented work. I was selected as a semifinalist.

Won the BEAT-PD Dream Challenge

I worked with two friends from a previous summer internship to compete on predicting UPDRS scores and to quantify the relationship between subjective experience of Parkinson’s disease patients to accelerometry and gyroscope data from their smartwatches. We worked and trained personalized random forest classifiers using an automated feature exploration and selection approach.

Summa Cum Laude Scholarship for BME and CS major

Stephen E. Browsette Scholarship

I won an award for my research work in the intersection of health care and computer science.

Other work

Patientco Alumni

I worked as a software engineer on an integration team. We worked on using hospital EHR data and running ETL processes on large scale to create hospital bills. I worked on validating data and using the Athena datalake to help query large information out.

I also worked on a new bill rendering engine for the company, based on hot-swapping state data into a VueJS application.

Work from Undergraduate

EEG Domain Adaptation

I worked on (an EEG deep learning classifier from the Temple University Seizure Corpus under Dr. Brett Beaulieu-Jones and Dr. Wang)[]. I created a cleaning pipeline and both extracted shallow hand-engineered features (such as frequency components and coherence) as well as using a convolutional network on raw data. I presented data and results as conference proceedings at IEEE CompSAC.

Sepsis Research

I worked on a (project under Dr. Wang and Ying Sha to analyze EHR records to find and predict sepsis from patients.)[]. This project culminated in a (poster)[] and a (conference proceeding)[]. This was a multisemester research project using advanced data cleaning alongside ML techniques.

CS Capstone Project

I worked on a team to support a local community organization, Atlanta SOSSI (Saving Our Sons and Sisters International) by creating a community organization and (event planning app)[]. We worked to create a cross-platform design and linked to various APIs.

BME Capstone Project

I worked on a team to create and design (a heated blanket device for hypothermia during surgery)[]. Our work was sponsored by Halyard Health and required working and integrating responses from various doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, hypothermia experts. We modeled designs based on various human factors considerations.

Candy visualization project

This was a final project for my data visualization class from sophomore year of collage in 2017. My partner and I created (multigraph data visualization)[] of survey data of favorite candies. Code is stored on this (Github repo)[]

Cozmo Robot/Tic Tac Toe

(Programming a simple robot, Cozmo, to play Tic Tac Toe)[]. I created this as a final project for my cognitive science class final project in 2017.

Ebola Disease model simulation

For my final project for my (Biomedical Health Informatics project in 2017)[], my team created a GUI for modeling the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa

ECG Grapher

(An implementation of PQRS identifier for ECG signals, in both MatLab and LabView using the Pan-Tompkins algorithm) [] This was created for two separate classes in biomedical health informatics and quantitative experimentations.